Presentations by B2c Email List Mdirector at Digital Congrezz

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Presentations by B2c Email List Mdirector at Digital Congrezz

Messaggio da leggereda susmitadas » 21/06/2022, 8:18

Mdirector is the first and only email marketing and marketing automation tool that will make it easier to execute your digital marketing strategies . Stop by the futurizz stand e10 and you will be convinced. Presentations by mdirector at digital congrezz david anna during futurizz, the ' digital congrezz ' will be held, which will b2c email list bring together world-class speakers with presentations and round tables on digital transformation, connected consumption, mobility, ecommerce, social media, big data or the internet of things. Together with professionals from mdirector, executives from other leading digital companies such as facebook, youtube, instagram, twitter or will participate. The contribution of mdirector will be two presentations by david olivares, corporate b2c email list general director and ana moreno, director of international marketing.

The talk by david olivares , entitled « cross, omni, multi-channel? Where do i begin? » will try to analyze what each of these options is, what should be the starting point and what steps to take to take advantage of each of them. David b2c email list will focus the analysis on technology "because along the way we must build services that b2c email list allow us to keep the customer at the center of our proposal." david olivares' presentation at futurizz will be on april 20 from 12:00 to 12:25 in sala demozz 1 – std technology to discover your potential customers for her part, ana moreno , director of international marketing at mdirector, will focus on highlighting the b2c email list importance of moments of truth in which user expectations must be met.


The presentation, entitled « where are my potential clients and how do they not abandon us at first? «, part of the fact that «users give very few opportunities to brands, especially in online channels, so it is essential to analyze the possible points of contact and be efficient». The talk will provide some notions on how to make use of b2c email list technology to make it easier to meet customer expectations . Ana moreno's presentation at futurizz will be on april 21 from 11:40 a.m. To 12:00 p.m. In sala demozz 2 – weborama. One of the novelties of this first edition of futurizz will be the distribution of smart badges among visitors, devices equipped with nfc functionality that allow data to be transferred quickly and without the need for contact between visitors b2c email list and exhibitors. You can find more information about futurizz, how to get tickets, schedules, dates and presentations on the futurizz website itself .

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